Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013!

Omg Halloween this year was full of fun! This was the first year that I had TWO classes to help and parades to attend, I didn't get home for till past noon after dropping off at 8am.  

So 8am, we take Alyssa To school and hang out for an hour as they had the parade of the entire school in their costumes! We saw tons of ninja turtles, Disney princesses and even a few monster high girls.  There were some pretty unique costumes that caught mine and AJs attention, including a "Ramen noodles packet" "Russell from Up" and my personal favorite, a "Jamba Juice drink"!

We also saw a few of our fellow Hurricanes cheerleaders and they all waved Hi at AJ, they love him!

After Alyssa's parade AJ and I headed to his preschool for his Halloween parade/party.  There was another ninja turtle at his class the exact one AJ was, Leonardo! :-). There was tons of yummy food, and the kids sang songs for us parents, had face painting and overall had a great time! (I will upload the pics from AJs class later as they're all on my camera and I'm posting from my phone right now)

After all the school fun activities, we got ready to head out for some trick or treating fun with friends! We hit up two villages here and the kids were having so much fun running around from house to house with their friends.  Again, I have most pictures on my camera so I will post what I have on my phone now.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Alyssa the cheerleader!!

Ive been majorly slacking and totally behind on my blogging!!!! (Not surprising at ALL) but this summer Alyssa started cheerleading for our towns tackle football/cheer team.  I volunteered to be coach so it's been fun to coach her!  She and the rest of my squad has gotten so good I'm so proud of all my girls!!!

I am now teaching them their competition routine and can't wait for them to compete!  Get ready for major photo bomb, I have about 2 months worth of pictures to post!

At Cheer Camp infront of our awesome decorated tent!

Banner paint party, we painted a banner at my house for our football players to run through after half time :)
She was too excited and couldn't wait to try on her uniform when we got it :)

Cutest cheerleader EVER!!! ;)

Her poster I made for Homecoming Game

Alyssa and her friend Charlize showing me their Cheer dog tags they got at the homecoming game. 

We show our Hurricane Spirit!


AJs first field trip!

Now that AJ is a big boy and in preschool, he's been doing a lot of firsts. He had his first field trip and it was to our town library.  We've been there plenty of times but going with his classmates was special, especially because he for his very own library card for the first time!

I love that his preschool will do a monthly field trip; next month we will go to the pumpkin patch!

He was telling the librarian about his book he picked, it is about pumpkins/Halloween :)

He used the self check out and did it "by himself" like a big boy ;)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

AJ loves his teacher

AJ has been in preschool for a few weeks now, and this morning I walked in on him playing pretend. He got Alyssa to join in as the student, and he was Ms. Becca his preschool teacher!!!! It's so cute to see him reenact the activities he does at school. I took a video of it but can't post from my phone so I will upload it later.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

No training wheels!

So summer break is coming to an end and before the start of school, my big girl wanted to learn to ride her bike without training wheels.  One day, (yes it only took one day) and she's got the hang of it!!!!

So happy and proud of my big girl :-)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

This Mother's Day was a wonderful day and I was treated like a queen from beginning to end! I had sent the hubby a few pointers of what I'd like to do for the day (like a hilarious blog post i saw online of ten things mom really want for Mother's Day) and he really pulled through on making it special.

My day started by him taking Cody out in the morning in attempts of letting me sleep in. Cody decided 15 min later to cry up a storm and I woke up but it was still a great morning because he got the kids their small breakfast. Alyssa gave me her gifts she made me in school and they were so sweet!!!! she made me a painting that I plan on framing and putting in their playroom, and she wrote a book about me and it was hilarious!! He got the kids dressed and ready and we headed out for our first meal out aka- I'm not cooking today LOL. We wanted to do a brunch and tried out a diner that had huge burgers and the most tasty garlic fries I've ever had!!! I'm a huge garlic fan and thankfully he is too so we shared the huge basket lol.

We then took the kids to get their hair cut, is it weird that we chose to do this on Mother's Day? It just came up in conversation at brunch and we decided to just take them in after brunch if they could be squeezed in and it worked out for them to get their haircut :)

We went home and I got a lovely and soothing foot and hand rub from my three loves. They also painted my toenails and it was such a terrible job but at the same time the BEST pedi I've ever had! Seeing my 6 year old try so hard and my hubby try even harder to paint my toes was so adorable I was smiling from ear to ear :)

After relaxing from all the pampering I took my nap- and let me say this- OMG a nap in the day when it's not in the "newborn" stage is unheard of around here! It was pure bliss and I woke up feeling refreshed; and starving ready for a Thai feast!

We were driving to the restaurant when he hands me a paper. Instead of buying me a card, he decided to write a letter. He is like most guys in the sense that he's not very romantic and I've learned that this is just how he is, it doesn't mean he loves me any less than he does. So to read this was soooo sweet and surprising and unexpected! In his words, "I wanted to give you something from my heart, not just a prewritten card someone else wrote" I thought my day couldn't get any better but this letter was the best part of my day, well besides getting Alyssa's gifts she made me at school. :)

So we went to the restaurant, had a lovely dinner and I truly must say, having an entire day off from my "mom duties" was EXACTLY what I needed. I feel refreshed and appreciated. It was a wonderful Mother's Day for me and I can only hope all you other mommies out there felt the same kind of love and appreciation I felt from my little family. :)

AJ giving me his gift, a headlight for my night runs!

Alyssa giving me my new running shoes, and posing LOL

All my wonderful running gifts!

Best garlic fries ever! Shared this huge basket at brunch with the hubby

My HUGE BBQ burger! It was delish and I definitely will run all these fluffy calories off ASAP lol

Every year Alyssa picks a flower for my hair on Mother's Day :)

The kids after getting their haircut :)

This is exactly our kitchen! :)

Hahaha she drew our new couches perfectly ;)

I wouldn't mind a big purse ;) and look at Cody's evil teeth lol!

We totally sing like rock stars in the car all the time :)

The view!!! Lol

My babies trying so hard to paint my toes... It was terrible but sooo sweet of them :)

Like I said, terrible lol

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